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Is digital only losing you leads?

Could a digital only marketing strategy lose you essential leads?

In a digitally obsessed world, it’s imperative that digital channels form part of your marketing campaigns, but neglecting offline marketing channels entirely could be costing you leads.


Here are our top tips for making sure your marketing plan is robust and covers the right channels.

1. Cutting through the digital noise

On average a consumer in the UK will be faced with approx 3.5k marketing messages, per day. Utilising a more tangible marketing material such as a Direct Mail will likely leave a more resounding impression than a fleeting digital ad.¹

2. Direct marketing in the digital age

An effective way to reach homeowners can still be through their letterboxes, especially when executed creatively and with impact. The direct mail household response rate is 5.1%, the highest response rate the DMA has ever reported.² Ensure your tone of voice and your core message is adjusted to suit the channel, and strike the channel balance for your target audience.

3. Print and digital working together

It takes 18-20 touchpoints to reach a customer for the first time, so it makes sense to run an integrated campaign across multiple channels and platforms.³

Couple the advantage of knowing exactly where your audience is, with a high impact, high quality piece of print and begin to measure the shift in engagement rates of your customers and prospects.

4. Talk to us!

Ravensworth offer tools and products to help improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. For example Marketing Toolkit, our web-to-print platform helps bring together digital and offline marketing so your campaigns are aligned, providing customers with a consistent experience from your brand.

Our design team work across digital and print to provide clients with the expertise they need to optimise their campaigns. We also offer a photo enhancement service, Photofixr™, that enables you to edit property images for both print and digital. And many other services that have been designed to make marketing your stock easy and effective across any platform.


Find out more


¹ The Guardian, Shopper’s eye view of ads that pass us by
² DMA Response Rate Report
³ How to Kickstart Your Next Omnichannel Marketing Campaign

Gemma Crosby Posted on: 28-08-2018